Special IssueAnglican and Episcopal HistoryLAMBETH CONFERENCE | You are invited to |
The Historical Society of the Episcopal Church is pleased to provide public access to three peer-reviewed articles on Lambeth Conference history published in the June 2022 issue of Anglican and Episcopal History. Download all three articles here or as single articles below.
by Benjamin Guyer
Benjamin M. Guyer is a lecturer in the Department of History and Philosophy at the University of Tennessee at Martin and author of How the English Reformation was Named: The Politics of History, 1400-1700 (Oxford University Press, 2022). Guyer examines changing interpretations of the Lambeth Conference among historians since 1867
by Peter Webster
Dr. Peter Webster is an independent scholar of contemporary British religious history, based in the UK. His study of Michael Ramsey, archbishop of Canterbury, is published by Routledge. . Webster considers the relationship between the 1968 Lambeth Conference and Michael Ramsey’s tenure as Archbishop of Canterbury.
by Andrew Chandler
Andrew Chandler is Professor of Modern History at the University of Chichester. His latest book, British Christians and the Third Reich: Church, State and the Judgement of Nations, is published by Cambridge University Press. Chandler notes that historians have seldom emphasized discussions of international relations at Lambeth Conferences and identifies a number of recurring approaches to global politics.
Historical Society of the Episcopal Church
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